Russian nutritionist Dr Lisa Atenskaya explained why unfiltered coffee – brewed in a French press or Turkish – is harmful in large quantities. According to her, this type of coffee contains a lot of sediment, but it contains diterpenes, which are a powerful stimulator of “bad” LDL cholesterol.

The most harmful coffee for cholesterol

“In such coffee, part of the sediment falls into the cup and contains diterpenes. These are compounds that are quite a powerful stimulator of “bad” cholesterol! That is, such coffee can increase cholesterol and triglycerides,” noted the expert.

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Dr. Atenskaya specifies that diterpenes are contained precisely in the oil fraction of coffee. That is, it is better to drink this drink filtered. According to her, paper filters are most effective in eliminating diterpenes; a cup of filtered coffee contains 30 times less diterpenes than a cup of unfiltered coffee. The nutritionist also adds that espresso from a regular coffee machine has fewer diterpenes than Turkish or French coffee, but more than filter coffee.

At the same time, Dr. Atenskaya advised unfiltered coffee lovers not to abuse the drink prepared in this way. According to her, you should not drink more than 4 cups of unfiltered coffee per day. She also recommends getting your cholesterol levels checked regularly to make sure your “bad” cholesterol levels aren’t too high. Dopamine is responsible for movement, memory and thinking. This neurotransmitter is also associated with feelings of satisfaction. A Harvard study found that women who drink coffee have a 20% lower risk of depression than those who don’t. Another authoritative study shows that coffee drinkers are 53% less likely to commit suicide than non-coffee drinkers. In both experiments, subjects drank four cups of coffee per day.

A special study was conducted in which the participants were asked to perform muscle exercises, after which they drank two cups of coffee. After one hour, the participants in the experiment were asked to rate the intensity of the pain; it turned out that coffee significantly reduces sensitivity to it. Singaporean scientists have proven that coffee is quite useful for the liver. It turns out that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis by 66%. Another scientist found that coffee reduces the risk of cancer of this organ. If you drink decaffeinated coffee, the level of liver enzymes in the blood will decrease, says the expert.

Read also: How much coffee can we drink per day according to our weight

Important: The article does not replace a balanced diet and consultation with a specialist!