Dog’s world is full of new scents, looks and adventures. Along with these new experiences, there are risks of dog food that is unhealthy and remember there is toxic food for dogs. These potential dangers are enough to make a dog owner completely paranoid. Fortunately, your special care can help your dog be healthy and safe. A list of toxic foods for dogs makes sure to keep them away, save yourself from unnecessary problems and provide a healthy environment to a dog.
List of Toxic Foods for Dogs
There are number of substances and materials which are poisonous to a pet. Explore the list of toxic foods for dogs to keep them safe and helps to avoid toxicity exposure.
Toxic Fruits for Dogs:
- Grapes and raisins
- Avocado
- Figs
- Apple Seeds
- Coconut
- Grape fruits
- Lemons
- Citrus Fruits (oranges)
Toxic Vegetables for Dogs:
- Onions
- Garlic
- Chives
- Leeks
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Ginger
- Caffeine – Coffee, Tea and Soda
- Chocolate and cocoa
- xylitol or artificial sweetner
- Yeast bread dough
- Alcohol
- Corn mushrooms
- Food for safe animals
- Asparagus
- Beets
- Bell Peppers
- Celery
- Chicken
- Cinnamon
- Corn Cobs
- Edamame
- Grass
- Hot Dogs
- Peanut Butter
- Peanuts
- Pork
- Scallops
- Shrimp
#1. Risks from Pharmaceuticals
There are some human medicines that are safe for dogs, but others can create problems and harm to your dog. Contact your veterinarian for instruction before treating your dog. Remember, veterinary medicines may be toxic to your dog if not used properly.
An accidental overdose can be toxic to your dog depending on the substance. Also, keep in mind that your dog can be curious and quite cunning when it comes to opening pill bottles. Keep all drug remedies, vitamins, herbs and supplements out of alignment.
2#. Poisonous Plants and Flowers
Toxic foods and materials include plants and flowers, that can be poisonous to your dog. The effects range from mild to severe depending on the type of plant and the quantity consumed. Some herbs may cause mild stomach upset, while others may cause seizures, coma or even death. Learn about plants in your yard and neighborhood that are dangerous and make sure your dog does not have access to them.
Ideally, toxic plants on your property should be removed. Shelters are slightly easier to control; just do not keep toxic plants inside your home to control the danger to your dog. If you plan to get new plants or flowers, research them ahead of time to find out if they are toxic to your dog or not.
3#. Harmful Toxic Foods
It has been said by veterinary professionals and other dog experts that “human food” can be harmful to dogs. However, many dog owners continue to feed table scrap and other casual foods to their dogs. The truth is that some foods are safe for dogs. Under the guidance of a veterinarian (especially a nutritionist), dogs can thrive on a home diet consisting of specific healthy foods. Some foods are generally considered harmless to dogs, but some foods are irregularly poisonous. Learn what foods to avoid before cooking for your dog or sharing this waste. Also, keep in mind the food you throw away and how easily your dog can get into the trash. It can help your dog avoid serious illness and save you a trip to the emergency room.
4#. Hazardous Chemicals
Modern life today involves the use of many chemicals. With substances such as cleaning agents, antifreeze, rodenticides, insecticides, fertilizers and much more. The potential danger is approaching everywhere. Exposure to chemicals can harm your dog in a variety of ways. Your dog may receive harmful chemicals, inhale toxic fumes, or come into direct skin contact with caustic substances. The best way to protect your dog is to examine your home environment. Try to replace non-hazardous, natural products with current chemical products. For chemical hazards that you cannot eliminate, make sure your dog is safe from exposure.
5#. Other environmental hazards
In addition to the above toxins, there are several possible things in nature that can cause toxicity. These are often related to other creatures. Bee tails and fire mouths can cause allergic reactions, while some spider and snake bites can be very toxic. Other environmental hazards include fungi and contaminated water. The key to prevention is to keep your dog in your eyes at all times. Do not let your dog navigate for free and keep an eye on the area around you while walking your dog. Dogs will be dogs, and curious noses are forced to explore, but only for a moment should it turn into a dangerous situation.
6#. Family substances toxic to dogs
Most homes contain hazardous chemicals and caustic substances that can be toxic to dogs. Most people know better than to get in touch with the most dangerous chemicals. However, just as parents need to protect their children from household toxins, so dog owners need to protect their dogs. The following substances are commonly found in and around the home and pose a high risk of toxicity to dogs:
- Antifreeze: Ethylene glycol is the toxic chemical in antifreeze . Sadly, this is common poison in dogs. It tastes good to them, but very small amounts are very toxic. Symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning appear quickly and can quickly lead to death.
- Battery acid: This very dangerous chemical can irritate and ulcerate the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract
- Bleach: This chemical is caustic to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful
- Drain cleaner: This is also caustic to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful
- Drugs and medicines: This includes prescription, illicit and illegal / recreational drugs; the effects depend on the type of drug and the amount consumed; toxicity can easily cause death
- Fertilizers: Depending on the type, some fertilizers can irritate the skin and feet if your dog comes in contact with it, especially before it is dry. It can also be harmful if touched.
- Adhesives: Many types of adhesives are dangerous, causing poisoning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal obstruction; Gorilla adhesive is probably one of the worst
- Herbicides: Like fertilizers, herbicides can cause irritation to your dog’s feet and skin if he walks through it, especially if it is still wet; if affected, your dog may experience toxic effects
- Household cleaners and detergents: Depending on the chemical, these can be dangerous if taken, inhaled or in contact with skin
- Kerosene: Caustic to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful
- Motor oil: Some people may have heard of motor oil used as a “home remedy” for mange, but this is absolutely untrue! Never put motor oil on your dog. It is harmful to the skin and is dangerous if touched. You can easily kill a dog.
- Mulch containing cocoa shells: This type of mulch is a tasty but dangerous snack for dogs. The effects are the same as the toxicity of chocolate.
- Nail polish / nail polish remover (acetone): Caustic to skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful; nail polish can be glued to the hair
- Paint, varnish, lacquers, sealants, stains: Caustic to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful; can also dry out with fur and be difficult to remove
- Paint thinners and paintbrush cleaners (mineral spirits, turpentine, etc.): Caustic to the skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract; fumes are potentially harmful
- Pesticides: Same as herbicides and fertilizers
- Rat Poison: Sadly, rodenticide toxicity is a common poison in dogs. Rat poisoning is extremely toxic if taken. Never use rat poison in or around your home.
- Salts (especially salt / pavement salt) and other Deicers: These can irritate dogs skin and feet; also potentially harmful if rested.
Many chemicals can be harmful to dogs if they are touched, inhaled or have skin contact. In some cases, chemicals can enter the bloodstream and affect major organs.
Some chemicals may be considered safe for humans, but can still harm dogs. Be very aware of the products you are using in your backyard and home. Try to switch to products that are known to be safe for pets. If you treat your yard with chemicals, make sure your dog does not have access to the yard until it is dry (and the chemical is safe once dry). The same goes for carpet cleaners and cleaners used on other surfaces where your dog can walk.
What to do if poisoning occurs
Prevention is the key. Do your best to eliminate all sources of toxicity. However, exposure to toxins is still possible. It is important to recognize the signs of toxicity and act immediately. Know when to call the vet. However, if in doubt, call a veterinarian anyway. Try to gather as much information as possible about the potential poison (as time allows). Obtaining the packaging from the toxin and a sample of the ingested material if possible.
In case of toxin exposure, keep a list of important telephone numbers in a conspicuous, easily accessible place. Save the numbers on your mobile phone as well. Make sure pet owners and other people who may be in your home are aware of the location of the list. The following telephone numbers should be included:
- Your main veterinarian
- One or more clinics 24 hours near the emergency veterinarian
- Emergency contact number for you and your dog co-owner (if applicable).