The killing was caused by a lead virus belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family It causes a devastating neurological disease that affects the brain, causing symptoms that are similar to meningitis. Once symptoms develop, the disease is always fatal.

What is rage?

Murder is an ancient stroke that has been around for centuries and continues to appear all over the world. The disease affects all mammals, most commonly wildlife populations, but also affects dogs, cats and humans.

Since 1884 when Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccine, rabies has been prevented. Some areas such as Hawaii and the UK eliminated the disease using strict quarantine protocols .

The hail still appears today in animals or humans as a result of the disease “shedding” by wildlife and in parallel the incidence of rabies in these wild reservoirs. Diseases most often associated with the disease include

  • Raccoons in the Northeastern United States (New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, and Spread)
  • Coyotes and gray foxes in Texas and southwest
  • Foxes in Alaska
  • Skunks in Kansas
  • Sticks (usually)

Pets allowed to dance in these regions are at greater risk of encountering a rabid animal and getting sick. Consequently, such high-risk animals also put owners at risk.

How can dogs smuggle rage?

Infection requires direct contact with an infected animal. Common transmission is through a bite that injects infectious saliva into the wound.

There, the virus multiplies until it reaches the nerves, which carry the infection to the spinal cord. Eventually, the virus reaches the brain, after which the symptoms develop.

Puppies are allowed out of danger to face wildlife. Even puppies confined to yards or homes may be exposed to “high risk” wildlife, which includes skunk, coyote, fox, raccoon, and bat.

When sick, animals lose all fear and can wander around fenced yards, through animal doors, under chimneys, or attack puppies or kittens.

Finding a dead animal to which pets have access qualifies as exposure. Even when the skunk cannot be tested for the disease (too decomposed or too damaged for brain analysis), the law requires that he be treated as if he were rabid. This is because animals can be exposed by playing with the dead body or coming in contact with infectious material.

Signs of anger

Murder has three known stages of clinical disease: 1) incubation, 2) clinical signs, and 3) paralysis that ends in death. The incubation period – the time from exposure (bite) to the development of symptoms – lasts 14 days to 24 months to incubate, with an average of three to eight weeks for most species. From the brain, the virus spreads to other tissues, such as the salivary glands.

Clinical signs are slight changes to severe behaviors. The first symptoms are refusal to eat or drink and the hit dog usually seeks solitude. The disease then progresses to one of two forms; paralysis or rage, and furious rage.

In the meme form, dogs act depressed, become insensitive to pain, and develop paralysis of the muscles of the throat and jaw.

They may look like they are drowning or have something stuck in their throat while they spit and sit down. Pets with gloomy clutter usually fall into a coma and die within three to ten days of the initial signs.

Furious killing is the classic appearance of “crazy dog” symptoms. The dog becomes extremely vicious and violent, and any noise triggers the attack. Such dogs are caught and bitten on real or imaginary objects and can roam for miles attacking everything in their path. They lose all fear of natural enemies, and usually chew or swallow inedible items like stones or wood. Death occurs four to seven days after the onset of clinical signs as a result of progressive paralysis.

The signs and course of rabies in humans are similar to those in animals, and incubation varies from two weeks to twelve months. There is no cure for rage.

Once signs appear, the mortality rate for the animal or person is practically 100 percent.


The diagnosis of rabies can only be made by microscopic examination of brain tissue from the suspected animal; this cannot be done while the animal is alive. Wild animals that act suspiciously, or attack humans or pets should be euthanized immediately and the brain examined for evidence of rabies. Any animal bitten by an animal that cannot be tested for the disease should be considered exposed to rabies.

Law and Murder

Pets should be protected using a rabies vaccine by state law because they come in close contact with humans and can transmit the virus to humans after being infected by a rabid animal. Each state has its own rules regarding the exposure of rabies to animals.

Animals are thought to be infectious only shortly before and during the time they show symptoms. Therefore, a fierce animal capable of transmitting disease at the time of the bite will usually develop signs within a period of ten days. Therefore, ten days is the recommended quarantine period in such cases.

The human risk is so high when dealing with suspected animals that it is safer for unconceived pets exposed to rabies to be euthanized and then tested for the disease. Some local or state laws may allow an exposed animal to live under strict quarantine for six months and, if no signs develop, be vaccinated before release. Recommendations for current pets for rabies vaccination that are exposed to the disease include immediate revaccination and strict control / observation of the owner for not less than 45 days.

Prevent rabies

Prevent exposure and protect your dog and yourself by limiting roaming. Keeping your rabies vaccination current also protects your dog from the risk of being euthanized for testing if he has ever been exposed. Any contact with wildlife acting on an abnormal behavior, including lost or wild cats or dogs, increases the risk.

The rabies virus is sensitive to many household detergents and soaps.

If you or your puppy suffer a bite, wash the wound with soap and hot water to kill as many viruses as possible, and then consult your doctor and / or veterinarian immediately. The post-exposure vaccine available to humans is practically 100 percent effective when administered in the proper period of time.