Dog training techniques have changed over the years and modern dog training methods are good news for you and your dog friends. Many dog trainers learned their trade while training dogs for the military of the 1940s and 50s. Military dog training was based on the notion that the dog is your opponent in training and you must dominate him before he can dominate. The training process became an extremely rigorous temper test , very physical, almost brutal.
Such methods do nothing to improve or maintain a loving and caring relationship that modern homeowners desire and expect.
“The idea was to make sure the weak temperament would show up in early training and not on the battlefield or in the trenches. So if they’re going to break, break them when it doesn’t matter,” says Dr Ian Dunbar, a bringer to Berkeley, California. “These methods used to train pet dogs are, of course, completely inappropriate.” Although these methods remain in practice today, they are just as effective and more humane.
Modern Dog Training
The theory of conditioning and reward treatments deals with the relationship between stimuli, responses and consequences – the puppy learns that what he does is critical to what happens next. Instead of just reacting to avoid punishment, the puppy learns to think – associate your command to ” come ” with positive attention.
Traditional methods of restraint relied on waiting for the dog to make a mistake, using chain corrections and physically pushing and positioning the dog. With the new protocol, puppies are encouraged to want to perform their task.
Dr. Dunbar encourages owners to look at small dog dog training from a dog’s perspective.
“Training has to be efficient, effective, easy and enjoyable, or pet owners and dogs will not do it,” he says.
Training Equipment
Some of the newer training tools reflect this evolution in training philosophy. Tools like light walking straps communicate with dogs naturally with gentle pressure, preventing them from jumping up or running forward. Halti and the gentle head leader fit over the dog’s face, and with gentle instructions, get even giant-sized dogs to go where they are led – no need for jerking.
The more traditional , Martingale or “choke” columns need to be properly adjusted and used properly. A quick release directs the dog’s actions. But if the device is wrong, the collar will not release the pressure, so a pet owner can easily hurt the dog accidentally. Puppies and toy dog breeds are particularly prone to injuries like collapsed trachea and can be permanently damaged by a jerk in the neck.
Electronic columns – those that deliver a remotely controlled pulse shock to correct misbehavior – are even more controversial. Many ethicists oppose their use altogether. Even proponents agree that only professional trainers are qualified to use electronic training tools.
E-collars are trained based on punishing bad deeds rather than rewarding good manners, and dogs often go back to old habits and run away if they wear the collar all the time.
No puppy should be equipped with a shock collar. Period!
Training Award
Other training techniques teach pets to recognize the desired behavior by linking the action to appropriate verbal praise, audible signals as a click training tool, or “cookie” rewards. If you’re using a head cap, a command or a verbal command or a cookie force, most of the training involves teaching the dog to a dog or being adults who want to match.
“‘If you sit down , Fido, I’ll open the door.’ Or ‘If you sit down, I will put your chain.’ “If you sit down, I’ll throw the tennis ball,” says Dr. Dunbar, “so the dog says, ‘I love this thing sitting down!’ Dr. Dunbar says he teaches the dog the meaning of the word ‘sit down.’ It’s only five percent. of training; 95 percent of training teaches the dog, “Why does he do it?”
“Training is a way for both of you to learn to dance together in a very individual and subtle choreography,” he says. “Learn to lead and follow each other’s leadership and you do not invite someone to dance by being shocked in the necklace or tie!”
When to Start Puppy Training
Puppies are little sponges and they absorb lessons quickly. Your baby dog starts learning the moment he puts his foot in your house and one of the most important lessons is to teach him that learning is FUN.
From six to eight weeks, your puppy can easily learn basic commands simply by teaching him how to learn. Puppies who enjoy training eagerly sue for more challenging tricks and commands as they mature.
Please avoid using the word “no!” When your puppy does something wrong. It is so exaggerated that some puppies start to believe that “no” is their name. Remember that training is learning, and puppies learn by making mistakes so they know what will NOT work, and choose the best alternatives.
A more powerful training word is “yes”. Find opportunities to say “yes” by catching your dog in the act of doing something you love. If he does something unacceptable, instead of shouting “no!” Try to find a method that encourages him into an alternative legal behavior. Look for opportunities to reward good behavior and replace bad choices with acceptable ones.
Puppies have short attention spans. Several short training sessions of about five to ten minutes each will be more successful than a single marathon training time. Set a schedule in your routine so that you know your puppy has the energy and eagerness to learn. A good time is before meals, because you can use a portion of his meals as treatment rewards during training, without worrying about his nutrition.