Making a Newborn baby Pakistani Passport in Dubai requirements, procedure, documents , online appointment for passport and visa. Resident of Pakistan can make newborn passport in 1 month only. Belongs to Pakistan and staying abroad and having newborn baby in UAE. Congratulation for your new born baby but to live without any problem you need a birth certificate, Passport and a visa for your baby born in Dubai. Learn How to make new Pakistani Passport of newly born in Dubai.

Make your Baby passport Living: Schedule Online Appointment for Pakistan Embassy Dubai

Newborn Baby Passport in Dubai:

  1. Make Birth certificate from Pakistani Consulate Dubai (if baby born in Dubai) .
  2. Apply for Pakistani Passport in Dubai for your child born abroad Pakistan Embassy Dubai.
  3. Apply for UAE visa from Ministry of Dubai for your newly born child.

Birth Certificate of Newborn in Dubai:

Birth certificate for newborn baby in Dubai needs step by step your attention. All steps are easy from S-1 form filling to registration fee.

  1. Complete Form S-1 in UAE (click for Form from Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  2. Photograph of your newborn child (current photos).
  3. Birth certificate from Hospital.
  4. Photocopy of Pakistani NIC or Passport for the approval of father nationality.
  5. Registration fee (Cash or may be credit card).

Pakistani Passport for Newborn UAE:

Visit Pakistan Consulate in Dubai to apply for birth certificate or CRC from nadra. Below procedure will guide you how to apply for CRC for your new born baby in UAE.

  • Go to Pakistan Consulate and get the Birth Certificate(CRC) from NADRA.
  • For security reasons they need Parents Passport, CNIC or NICOP and (documents like work place card).
  • Ask consulate reception for the counter to apply the CRC/NADRA for new born baby in Dubai.
  • They will ask you to signature on a document. Some time they need a reference for confirmation either baby born in UAE. (for precaution took a friend if possible for signature).
  • Time may vary for the procedure to receive the CRC from NADRA in Dubai.

Applying for Passport:

Already have birth certificate of your baby, follow the steps below on how to apply for Pakistan passport in Dubai for new child born.

  • After getting CRC you need to get stamp of MOFA on Birth Certificate from Pakistani Consulate.
  • Repeat the same procedure of getting MOFA stamp from UAE consulate as well.
  • Then you will get required Pakistani Passport.

Applying UAE Visa:

The new time frame to make UAE visa for baby is four month. If time frame passed then it consider as a crime and the rules & regulations of UAE Embassy applied.

  • To apply the UAE visa you need to go United Arab Emirates ministry.
  • They will better guide you from the rest of the procedure.

If any of the problem occurs don’t hesitate to ask. We will try to help you regarding Pakistani Passport and UAE Visa. This article is narrated from Shahid Ahmed Patel

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