Mental Turbulence & causes of Mental Illness /disorder

mental turbulence Mental anxiety illness

What is Mental Turbulence:

Mental turbulence is a condition of confusion in a person who do effort to understand things/surroundings, or agitation. A normal person feel miserable to take decision properly according to the situation. He lost the mentality to judge/decision properly and it causes him to permanent mental disorder (not too often).

The other three names of mental turbulence is mental disorder or mental illness or mental anxiety.

Causes of Mental Turbulence on Human:

There are number of reasons for mental turbulence. e.g. Behavior changes, social interaction, addiction, no friend circle, continuous dis-connectivity with people etc. We list out some of the common reasons and causes of mental anxiety which let a person fall in mental illness.

#1. Change in Behavior

Person may look panic or aggressive or may be feel anger not the step of mental disorder but it may cause major disaster. It creates a mental anxiety in which you look panic people judge you as angry person.

#2. Performance may Differ


  • As compared to elders the performance of the children becomes poor in education.
  • He feels weak in education and his respect in classroom and school becomes low as compared to previous time.


  • In elder may be it is the age factor or having some problems in family.
  • May be the person lost in loved one (parents, children, wife).
  • Family tensions may be separation, personal fights, anxiety of job or other aspects of affairs etc.

#3. Addiction is Disaster

Addiction may cause mental anxiety in the result a person fall in mental disorder. A person may be addicted of something called cigarette or ganja or marijuana. If these type of things a person can’t get on time feels panic inside and this anxiety cause mental illness. Which creates bad impact on life as well.

#4. Poor self-care

Less care of himself/herself creates anxiety all the thing he do is messy things.

  • Stay hungry for hours and no food on time creates headache and mental anxiety.
  • Leave the room messy for weeks which disturb mind.
  • Cleaning of body for weeks.
  • leave room as it is for weeks.

#5. Social interaction

Usually the person stop meetings with friends, family and relatives. The social interaction is stops.

  • A person is so much busy in his world and he don’t care of the other people whom he share anything.
  • May be he involves in those activities which is ruining his future, so the person got stop by parents as a result that interaction may cause.
  • In some cases a person don’t like to talk due to some love or affair issue.

#6. Communication is reduced

In mental turbulence it happen may time a person fall in love and the lover is angry. When they talk about breakup, the mental illness occurs so quickly(if they are serious). Person become quite and as a result communication is reduced. In other words social interaction is stop.

#7. Family breakdown

Breakup of parents or describe in the last para affairs may cause of this mental Turbulence.

#8. Strange behavior

Immature Strange Behavior:

  • The strange behavior become the cause of suicide in many.
  • Most of them try to cut their body with different signs to show their anger, anxiety or depression.
  • Most of the people Burnt themselves or pour acid.

Mature Strange Behavior:

  • The mature one’s behavior get strange when they are depressed or in tension.
  • There are number of causes for the depression but family burden, family problems are the main causes of strange behavior.
  • Two wives or may be wife or another love affair anything can cause of it.

What should parents do? When a person acts a a mental turbulent person

Mental turbulence if can’t take serious become the problem for a person and he can get to mental illness. Parents and other care taker of the person must take precaution steps and help a depressed person to overcome his anxiety.

  1. Be vigilant.

    Look out for changes in your child. If you see early signs that may be worrying, do not panic, but do something.

  2. Seek professional help.

    You may take your child to see someone whom he or she trusts, but the individual should also be trained and competent. The wrong advice or intervention can be damaging.

  3. Do not be afraid to seek psychiatric care.

    If your child is not showing signs of improvement, you may have to seek psychiatric care. Many parents and young people are afraid to see the psychiatrist because of the stigma associated with psychiatrists. But remember most psychiatrists see normal people with normal problems.

  4. Do not shove it under the carpet.

    Many parents when confronted with problems, enter into denial and hope that the problem will go away. Yes, you may want to watch and wait, but you should not wait for too long. If your child is not functioning and the situation is getting worse, seek help.

  5. There is danger in delay.

    The longer the mental illness in young people goes untreated, the worse the outcome. If you suspect your child may be having a mental disorder, please act now. Seek help.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Do pets get you relieved from anxiety?

Pets are a big anxiety reliever for people around us. Spending time helps you to be less stressed and in a better mood for the day.

Q. What are the types of Anxiety disorder?

There are three types of anxiety we know so far if you know other tell us:
1. Generalized anxiety
2. Social anxiety
3. Health anxiety

Q. Do breathing practice give you relief from mental turbulence & mental anxiety?

Breathing can be very helpful. The point I want to make about this is that use of your breathing to get calm is not just something you can use when you’re feeling terrible. If you stay in touch with your feelings and notice all the times in the day that your mood shifts, including the times when you’re irritated but not very upset, it can keep your mood on track throughout the day.

People everywhere are learning mindfulness meditation, and this gives people a way to relax for a few minutes and also a way to be more aware of all the mood shifts they have during the day. Mindfulness apps have become very popular.

Psychiatrists Brown and Gerbarg, who have published 6 papers on breathing and mental health, recommend a 3-part program of mind-body methods – breathing, meditation, and slow body movement. Incorporate these into your daily life. Be aware of changes in mood and respond mindfully, aware of your breathing. Details here:

Other things take some effort but they’re very rewarding – things that make your life meaningful, like a good hobby, art, or volunteer work. Take care of your health with the right lifestyle choices.

Q. Can anxiety make you think you are losing your memory/mind?

Yes, anxiety and stress can do that.

How to get out of your mind when you’re anxious?

When we have a lot of anxiety, it puts worrisome thoughts into our heads. There’s two ways to get rid of those thoughts. 

One is just to calm down. The easiest way to do this is to breathe slowly till you feel OK Two psychiatrists, Brown and Gerbarg, say a 10 or 20 min slow breathing exercise – 5 breaths a min – is good and 20 min twice a day is a therapy for anxiety. The exercise is inhale and exhale gently, 6 seconds each.

When you’re calm, you can think your way through a problem instead of just worrying about it. Think about the worst thing that can happen, how likely that is and what you could do if it happens. In a stressful situation, think about the different ways you can respond and decide which one is the most intelligent. 

Don’t make mountains out of molehills.

*. When you use the thinking brain, you get control of the emotional brain, and you feel better.

*. Also, replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Count your blessings and remind yourself of your successes.

*. The treatments for anxiety range from simple stress reduction methods to therapy and medication. Don’t overlook stress management – it can help even with very bad anxiety.
