It is common for most pet owners to spay or neutralize their newest edition. Behavior issues with male dogs, in particular, make this a small standard operation for most male dogs. The process seems straightforward, but it is not uncommon for a pet owner to return home after a sterilization operation, only to find that it appears his testicles are still there. Did the vet forget to finish the job or is something else happening?

Or, maybe you have adopted a male dog and ask if he has been treated.

How to determine if a male dog is bitten

If you have adopted a larger male dog, which is said to have been put on its neck before you owned it, sometimes, but not always, it is easy to verify this. In addition to the lack of visible testicles in the animal scrotum (the sac containing the testicles), you should be able to see a scar on the underside of the sac, near the front. If you can not see a scar, it does not necessarily mean that the animal has not been sterilized, as the wounds can heal so well that they are difficult to see. If you do not see surgery scars, the only way to be sure is for your family to check veterinary hormone levels to make sure it is fertile. It is also possible for your veterinarian to be able to point out the physical injuries you have lost,

What can happen after the transition

A more bizarre situation occurs when you have taken your male dog in for his surgery, then start to wonder if the vet has really performed spaying.

It is very difficult that your own would actually forget to neutralize your pet. However, the healing process can make it temporary as if this is what happened. In a neuter dog surgery , also called castration, the scrotum is usually not removed. The incision is made just in front of the scrotum. There are some medical conditions that require removal of scrotum tissue, but this is not the norm.

Sometimes, post-op bleeding can cause a small clot to form inside the scrotum. Swelling of divorced and nearby tissues, whether from surgery or the post-op sign from the dog, can also add to the appearance that his testicles are still present.

This is usually not to worry about. Swelling in the area should resolve within a few days. Physical activity and licking should be kept to a minimum, and for persistent lickers, an e-collar may be needed to prevent problems such as infection and to keep the dog from removing sutures prematurely.

When to worry

The cut should not be actively crying or leaking fluid when you take your pet up. Most veterinarians schedule a discharge appointment to go over post-op instructions and for your dog’s care and this usually involves a glance at the incision to make sure nothing unusual is present. If you notice bleeding or bleeding after you are at home, call your veterinarian or emergency room for advice.

If your dog is constantly cutting licking, talk to your veterinarian sooner rather than later about ways to stop this behavior. Remaining unattended, dogs will irritate the skin and may remove any sutures they may reach.

Single movement, even if the sutures are damaged, can also increase the chance of infection.

If, after a day or so, the scrotum is very swollen and does not stabilize or shrink, call your veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out an active bleeding situation.

Finally, if the scrotum tissue and / or skin around the incision is red, swollen, hot to the touch, or crying with a discharge of any color, please call your veterinarian to review your pet and to ‘ make sure an infection is not present.

A special situation

Some male dogs are cryptorchid- a condition in which one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum but instead reside in the abdominal cavity. In this situation, there will also be an incision in your pet’s abdomen, similar to a spay operation , which the vet did to find and remove unwanted abdominal testicles.

You should take care of this incision in the same way as you treat it in the scrotum.