There is a pretty good chance that your dog will get hurt at least once or twice in his life. Dogs are often adventurous and some are even fearless. Most dogs explore the world barefoot and unhindered. Unfortunately, the world is full of things that can hurt your dog. Accidents happen; do your best to prepare for them in advance.

If it is small or serious, it is scary to see the dog get hurt. Be sure to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible after an injury. Keep your vet’s phone number and emergency animal phone number nearby in order to seek help and advice. Depending on the severity of your dog’s injuries, you may need to administer first aid . Even if all goes well, it is important to get your injured dog to a vet for evaluation.

Here are some of the most common injuries seen in dogs and how to deal with them.

#1. The main trauma

trauma in dogs problems
Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Getty Images

Trauma is one of the most common medical emergencies affecting dogs. A major trauma can cause multiple injuries to the body, both internally and externally.

Being hit by a car is a common cause of major trauma to the dog. After being hit by a car, many dogs suffer from head trauma, bone fractures, joint dislocations, internal injuries such as bleeding and organ trauma, skin wounds (often referred to as “fell on the road”) and more.

Falling from a height or being in a car during a car accident can also cause traumatic injuries.

To prevent these types of trauma, make sure you keep your dog on a leash when you are out and never let him roam for free . Use a gate or other barricade if you have a balcony and do not allow windows to open when you are away. Keep the dog safe in the car using a restraint .

If your dog is experiencing severe trauma, he may need to administer first aid at the scene. Then, take your dog to the nearest open veterinary office. It may be best to try going straight to an emergency veterinary hospital if there is one nearby. They often have the resources needed to treat major trauma.

2#. Fighting or attacking dogs

fighting attaching dogs r
credits: fighting attaching dogs

If your dog is at war with another dog, both dogs can suffer serious injuries. In general, dog fights and dog attacks cause wounds to the skin and soft tissues. These wounds range from minor to severe. A dog’s teeth cause sores and sores on the skin. Deep wounds can affect underlying tissues, including muscles, body wall, and even bones. Although many dog ​​bites occur on the neck first, they can occur on any part of the body. Various injuries can affect the head, limbs, chest, abdomen and more.

Small dogs tend to have particularly serious injuries after being attacked by a large dog. If your little dog is caught and rocked by another dog, there may be neurological damage and / or internal injuries.

If your dog has a bitten wound, be sure to bring it to the veteran as soon as possible. Dogs carry a lot of bacteria in their mouth, so stroke wounds almost always become infected. In addition, traumatized tissue from the bite will be more easily treated in the first hour after an injury. Waiting longer means that wound healing can become more complicated and the wound begins the healing process improperly.

3#. Eye behavior

credit: Stefanie Timmermann / Getty Images

Eye injuries are quite common in dogs and can occur for a variety of reasons. Many dogs injure one eye when passing through one are with plant life that brushes the eye. Sometimes, the dog’s eye gets injured when a cat sits on it or gets a dog fight. Another common cause of eye damage is when a dog hangs its head from a moving car. Debris from the road and air can get into the eyes, causing abrasion

If your dog has an eye injury, you may notice noise, excessive breaking or drooping of the eyes, redness and / or swelling. Eye diseases can return quickly, so be sure to see your veterinarian at the first signs of an eye injury. If caught early enough, many eye injuries can be successfully treated with medication.

4#. Cruciate Ligament Injury

cruciate ligament injury
Credits: Dog After Knee Surgery. Photo: Chris Stein / Getty Images

Cross ligament injury is one of the most common limb injuries seen in dogs. The cruciate ligament is a stabilizing ligament in the knee. When exploded or injured in any other way, it causes knee pain and instability. Most dogs will hold the leg when the cruciate ligament is injured. Some will put a little weight on the leg, but most can not put full weight on it.

Only a veterinarian can determine if your dog has a cross injury. In some cases, dogs can be cured with rest and medication. However, it is more common for dogs to need surgery to repair a cruciate ligament. Fortunately, there are several surgical options available and the success rate is favorable.

5#. Other injuries to limbs

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There are a number of injuries that can affect your dog’s limbs. Most of them will cause lameness. The severity of limping usually tells you if you need to see a veterinarian right away. After performing an examination, the veteran may recommend radiography (x-rays).

Limpia can be caused by breaking one or more bones in the foot or leg. Large fractures and joint displacements usually look quite obvious. However, small fractures may not be as obvious, especially hair fractures that affect small bones or bones that do not support much weight. A fracture is treated by stabilizing / immobilizing broken bones. This can be achieved by placing a nail or casting. Or, surgery and placement of a pin or plate may be necessary.

Your dog may have a soft tissue injury in the leg (twisted or tense by a muscle). This often happens if your dog gets it wrong after jumping or overloads it while running / playing. Treatment usually includes medication and rest. More soft tissue damage may require surgery.

6#. Spinal cord injury

spinal cord injury in dogs
credits: BanksFotos / Getty Images

Spinal cord injuries in dogs range from mild to severe. Spinal issues can be caused by a minor or major trauma. Others occur simply because of genetic predisposition.

Intervertebral disc disease is a somewhat back-to-back issue in dogs. When a dog has IVDD, one or more discs between rupture of vertebrae, or hernias, causing disc material and inflammation to put pressure on the spinal cord. This causes pain and can lead to paralysis. Many owners report intoxicated gait or complete inability to walk (especially in the hind limbs). Signs may appear gradually or come on suddenly. In some cases, IVDD can be managed with medication and rest. However, more serious cases require surgery.

Spinal cord fractures are less common in dogs than IVDD and usually occur with major trauma. In some cases, spinal fractures can be repaired surgically.

7#. Oral injury

oral injuries in dogs
credits: paula sierra / Getty Images

When dogs have mouth injuries, it is often due to something they were eating or trying to chew. Bones, debris and hooves can cause injuries to teeth, gums, tongue and other soft tissues. bone features can be made placed around the lower jaw and canine teeth.

Even chewing on sticks and ramifications can result in an injury. It is not uncommon for vets to see dogs with sticks stuck to the roof of their mouths (placed between molars).

When dogs fight, they can bite into each other’s faces and cause sores in the mouth.

Small sores in the mouth, such as strokes and cuts, can be treated with medication. However, large cracks and fractures of the teeth usually require oral surgery.

8#. Cuts and scratches

cuts and scratches dogs injury
credits: Sarah Salmela / Getty Images

It is not uncommon for active dogs to get cuts and scratches. Wounds on the body can occur after a dog passes a sharp object, such as a nail. Dogs often get sores on their feet after breaking in glass, sharp rocks, metal, or other hazards. In some cases, the material becomes embedded in the pads or between the legs.

If your dog is bleeding from anywhere on his body, it is best to go to your veteran. A thorough cleaning is essential to blast out as much debris and bacteria as possible. A fracture repair (suture) may also be necessary if the wound is large enough. If any material is on the wound, the veterinarian may need to explore the site and remove it surgically.

At the very least, your dog will need antibiotics to prevent infection. Themselves also tend to prescribe anti-inflammatories for pain and swelling.

9#. Torn toe nail

torn toe nail dog injury
credits: Emanuel Pires / EyeEm / Getty Images

Many dogs experience a torn toenail at least once in their lifetime. In the same way that cuts and bites occur, dogs can grab a toenail for something and injure it. A dog can also grab a toenail on the edge of a metal cage.

Sometimes, the toenail splits in half. Other times, the nail rests partially beyond speed. Each of these scenarios is painful and can cause bleeding.

In many cases, these dogs need what is called “nail trimming”. Self usually use local anesthesia and / or sedation to prevent additional pain and soothe the dog. Then, clean nail cleaners are used to cut the nails beyond splitting and breaking. Sometimes, the nail has to be cut into the nail bed. Breeding is stopped and a small bandage is applied. Dogs are usually sent home with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory for pain and swelling.

To prevent nail damage, keep your dog’s nails trimmed and watch where he walks.

10#. Tail damage

Tail injuries in dogs
credits: Getty Image dog portraits

Back injuries occur accidentally in dogs. Usually, they are the result of some kind of trauma. Your dog may accidentally get his tail caught somewhere (like a door). The tail can be bitten by an animal or passed by someone.

Some dogs, especially large breed dogs, take what they sometimes call the “happy tail.” This occurs when a large, heavy tail sets in motion a surface so strong that it causes bruises and abrasion.

These types of tail injuries can be difficult to treat. When the dog feels good enough to start rocking again, it is likely that he will damage the tail again. Depending on the severity of the tail injury, healing may take weeks to months and may require the use of facades, e-collars, and crate restriction.

In another scenario, you can see that your dog’s tail is weak and downright hanging for no apparent reason. This is sometimes called limber tail syndrome and may be the result of a slight tightening or strain. A faded tail is common as a dog has done a lot of swimming. However, it may simply be the result of excessive shaking. Limber tail syndrome usually resolves on its own after a few days. If your dog’s tail is not returning to normal after a few days, it is best to see a veterinarian.