No, dogs and cats do not seem to be sensitive to the effects of urushiol , the allergic oil found in poison poison, poison oak and poison poison like many people. The hair coat also provides protection.

This is the good news. The bad news is that pets can transmit urushiol in their hair coats to their human family and other surfaces (furniture, clothing, etc.).

This oil is extremely long in the environment, so care is taken for pets that roam outside.

Wear gloves and wash your pet to reduce contamination with this allergic oil.

But mine is really itchy

There are many, many reasons that pets can be itchy, itchy and chewy. Everything from fleas and other parasites , the problems of instant records to point to hot allergies. Itching and chewing damage can cause secondary infections and problems which often add to the chewing and sawing cycle. Always see your vet at the first signs of itching and itching.

The poisonous part of the plant

All of these plants contain an oil called urushiol , which for some individuals is highly allergic. This oil is rapidly absorbed through the skin, producing an intensely itchy contact dermatitis and blistered lesions in vulnerable individuals.

Poison Ivy / Sumac / Prevention Oak

Learn how to identify these plants to reduce exposure and how to treat poisonous ploy in humans to keep your family happy and without incentives when outdoors.

Please note: This article is provided for informational purposes only. If your pet shows any signs of illness, please consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.