Bugs and your dog
Any dog can get parasites, and some can be transmitted to humans. While all of these parasitic infections can be treated medically, some are easier to control than others. Prevention is the key and the best way to protect your dog, yourself and your family. Here is a list of the most common dog parasites that can affect your dog.
1#. Fleas
The flea is a strong and disadvantaged insect that is as small as the tip of a pencil. Her strong legs are designed to jump long distances, while his narrow body is perfect for navigating through mammalian hair coats. The flea pigeon is for sucking the blood of its host (often a dog or cat).
A flea can cause a variety of problems for your dog, including allergic flea dermatitis, anemia, and tapeworm infection.
A serious flea infection can be a hassle to deal with. The best option is to keep your dog in flea prevention, especially during the warmer months.
2#. Ticks
Fleas are not the little vampires lurking in your dog world. Tik – tak is a arthropods that feed on the blood of its host, including dogs, cats and humans. Tick throws on a host, joins parts of her mouth to the skin and sucks blood until it becomes submerged. Ticks are known vectors of some serious diseases.
Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, and Rocky Mountain Fever are some of the most common sign diseases. Ticks usually live in high grasslands and wooded areas.
While some chemicals may prevent tickling from attaching to your dog, it is important to check your dog regularly for ticks, especially after the time when you are tickling.
3#. Heart Worms
Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) are parasitic nematodes that are among the most dangerous parasites affecting dogs. Heartworm larvae are transmitted to dogs through mosquitoes. Once inside the dog, the larvae migrate and mature in the dogs heart and lungs. Adult eye sockets look like spaghetti and can be 9 to 16 inches in length.
Heartworm infection is a serious condition in dogs that leads to death if left untreated. In addition, treatment to get rid of an adult heart-shaped dog is dangerous for the dog.
The best approach is to prevent heart pain (generally given monthly) to kill the small heart larvae before they mature into dangerous adults.
4#. Intestinal Worms
There are a variety of intestinal parasites that your dog can pick up from his environment. The “big four” are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. The strips come from fleas, but the other three usually contract after contact with contaminated soil.
Intestinal parasites cause a variety of symptoms, most of which are uncomfortable for your dog. Some of these intestinal parasites can also affect humans.
Protect your dog, yourself and your family by learning about these gut parasites and how to prevent them.
4#. Intestinal Worms
There are two types of mites that usually affect dogs. The most common are Demodectic mange, or Demodex, a mite that lives on the skin or in the hair follicles and oil glands of a host (often a dog or cat). Small numbers of mites can live in many dogs without causing problems because the immune system keeps the population under control.
However, when Demodex numbers reach high, they can cause localized areas of hair loss and itching. This most often occurs in young animals or those with compromised immune systems.
Sarcoptic shrub, also called Scabies, is a highly contagious mite that penetrates the skin. These mites cause severe itching, hair loss and peeling on the skin. Rudeness is quite difficult to diagnose. Treatment is lengthy and often requires a combination of oral medications and, in some cases, special medical baths. Rudeness is extremely contagious to both pets and humans.